• The Research Initiative on Democratic Reforms in Ukraine Publication

    The Research Initiative on Democratic Reforms in Ukraine Publication

    Since the Euromaidan conflict of 2013-2014 Ukraine has struggled to realize a far-reaching slate of reforms. While the nation’s government has indeed introduced measures to revamp local governance, its citizens remain skeptical that post-Soviet-style corruption has legitimately been mitigated. Reforms in governance, education, and healthcare push the country in the direction of Europe, while lethargic…

  • Alina Zubkovych | Transformation of Crimean Tatar Representation in Post- Euromaidan Ukraine

    Alina Zubkovych | Transformation of Crimean Tatar Representation in Post- Euromaidan Ukraine

    This paper analyses the representation of the Crimean Tatar ethnic minority in Ukraine through media discourses and visual culture (films, popular culture, etc.) and reveals how and to what extent the ethnic community constructs these images. Understanding the specifics of adaptation of the Crimean Tatars into the urban environment of the mainland Ukraine since the…

  • Finding a Way Forward in Ukraine: Reform Vs Inertia in Democratizing Government and Society

    Finding a Way Forward in Ukraine: Reform Vs Inertia in Democratizing Government and Society

    DAY 1 November 15   Please take a minute to complete our survey For discussion and questions, please use our YouTube chat  Greetings 8:00-8:10  Keynote I  8:10- 9:10 Ammon Cheskin  (University of Glasgow) Studying Ukraine without emotional baggage: reflections of a cognitively and emotionally biased scholar    Panel 1 9:10 – 9:50 Innovations and Challenges in Higher Education…

  • RIDRU’s White Paper Contest. The Top Three Teams Will Receive Prizes

    RIDRU’s White Paper Contest. The Top Three Teams Will Receive Prizes

    RIDRU’s November conference will include White paper presentations and discussions.  All submissions will be peer reviewed and posted on RIDRU’s website.  The top three teams will receive prizes of $400, $300, $200 CND respectively.   Please read carefully a guide. [googlepdf url=”http://ridru.artsrn.ualberta.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/RIDRU-White-Paper-Sept-28.pdf” download=”Download” width=”700″ height=”900″] Facebook Comments Box

  • The Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Preparation Guide

    The Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Preparation Guide

    What is the Three Minute Thesis competition? The 3MT is an academic competition that helps graduate students clarify and explain their research to others in a fun and collegial way. It began in 2008 at the University of Queensland in Australia and has spread to universities all over the world. There are strict rules including…

  • Andreas Umland “The Six Futures of Ukraine: Competing Security Scenarios for a European Pivot State”

    Andreas Umland “The Six Futures of Ukraine: Competing Security Scenarios for a European Pivot State”

    This presentation outlines six possible scenarios, options, and strategies for the development of Ukraine’s (as well as, to lesser degree, Georgia’s and Moldova’s) security situation, during the coming 5-15 years, i.e. as long as Russia’s current regime is likely to exist. They are: 1) continuation of the current gray zone status of Kyiv, Chisinau and…

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