Call for Papers. Finding a way forward in Ukraine: reform vs inertia in democratizing government and society
Online Conference Of the Research Initiative on Democratic Reforms in Ukraine (RIDRU) Project WHEN: November 15-16, 2017 08:30 to 16:00 (MST, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) WHERE: You may participate in this conference online from a location of your choice or join in discussions at Videoconference centres at the University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada), MacEwan University (Edmonton, Canada),…
Community of Practice: Need for Collaboration among Ukrainian Language Teachers in Canada
Surya Surendran (University of Hyderabad) and Dr. Olenka Bilash (University of Alberta) Facebook Comments Box
Developing Sustainable Research Capacity focusing on Democratic Reform in Ukraine: Adding Value through Technology
Campbell Harvey (University of Sydney) and Dr. Olenka Bilash (University of Alberta) Facebook Comments Box
Linda C. Reif “Ukraine’s Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (PCHR): Building the Rule of Law, Human Rights and Good Governance?”
Ukraine’s Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (PCHR): Building the Rule of Law, Human Rights and Good Governance? Linda C. Reif, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta Facebook Comments Box
Crisis and Identity—Cultural and Linguistic Perspectives on Ukraine and its Diaspora
Approximately 40 people attended the University of Alberta symposium on Crisis and Identity—Cultural and Linguistic Perspectives on Ukraine and its Diaspora held on March 21, 2017. Organized by Alla Nedashkivska, lead researcher of the Nationalities, Culture and Language Policies Cluster of the Research Initiative on Democratic Reforms in Ukraine (RIDRU), the day offered three sessions…
Seminar. Ludmila Niemets, Kateryna Sehida, and Sergiy Kostrikov: “GIS-approach in Urban Studies for Democracy Implementation on the Level of Municipalities”
Tuesday, 7 February 2017, University of Alberta This paper proposes the application of GIS technology to problems of political and socioeconomic decision-making at the municipal level. It advances the idea that such technology can significantly enhance democratic decision-making processes. This would more effectively combine practical, environmental, and social considerations for the better governance of urban…
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