Stated or actual change in the higher education sector? Exploring Bologna Process implementation in the context of teacher education in Ukraine.

Tuesday April 5

8:30 MST (10:30 EST

Rm 3-120 Education North (or by Skype; please send your Skype address by the morning of April 4



Kutsyuruba_BenDr. Benjamin Kutsyuruba is an Associate Professor in Educational Policy, Leadership, and School Law at the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University. Throughout his career, Benjamin has worked as a teacher, researcher, manager, and professor in the field of education in Ukraine and Canada. His research interests include educational policymaking; educational leadership; mentorship and development of teachers; trust, moral agency, and ethical decision-making in education; transnationalization of higher education; school safety and discipline; and, educational change, reform, and restructuring. His areas of teaching are educational leadership, organizational theory and behaviour, school law and policy, educational policy studies, and policymaking in education.


cb968068-a4e8-4caf-8d33-d08b3a70b68aDr. Serhiy Kovalchuk is a Research Associate at the University of Toronto. He obtained his doctoral degree from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development and Comparative, International and Development Education in 2015. His dissertation research examined the meanings, possibilities and challenges of teacher education for democracy in post-Soviet Ukraine. His research expertise lies in areas such as citizenship education, teacher education, curriculum studies, and comparative international education. He is a co-editor of the scholarly volume, Reimagining Utopias: Theory and Method for Educational Research in Post-Socialist Contexts (Sense Publishers). He has published in European Education: Issues and Studies, Journal of Pedagogy, Journal of Peace Education, and Journal of Ukrainian Politics and Society.



For details please contact:

Dr. Olenka Bilash

Professor, Department of Secondary Education, University of Alberta

Principal Investigator, RIDRU




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